Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Announcements from Sunday Jan. 23rd

No Birthday's this week!

Sunday Jan. 30th - Visiting Teaching Conference/ Pie Day at Kari Wardrop's house after church. Please contact her if you haven't signed up yet. We will be doing visiting teaching interviews and having lots of delicious pie!

Feb. 8th - "Food for Thought" 7 - 8pm at Catherine Hess' home. Theme is "Cookies". Come enjoy some good company and yummy cookies. Bring cookies, or don't, we'd love to see you there!

Feb. 17th - Stake Women's Conference 7pm at the Stake Center

Feb. 24th - Class on making Hair bows and Cards taught by Heather Johnson and Amy Harrison. 7:00pm at Kari Wardrop's house.

Every other Wed. at 1pm Karen Maughan is hosting a Quilting Class. Contact her with any questions.

Tuesdays at 10am - Music Makers by Grace Rex. This is a fun 60 min. activity for small children. We do singing games, marching with instruments, coloring activity, and have a story and treat. Come join the fun!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lesson Review

"Consecration and Obedience" taught by Karen Maughan on Jan. 23rd

Most of the lesson refers to a talk by Elder D. Todd Christofferson "Reflections on a consecrated life"

Elder Richard L. Evans said, “Life offers you two precious gifts—one is time, the other freedom of choice, the freedom to buy with your time what you will. You are free to exchange your allotment of time for thrills. You may trade it for base desires. You may invest it in greed. …Yours is the freedom to choose. But these are no bargains, for in them you find no lasting satisfaction." Karen shared her experience of receiving a Book of Mormon when she went on a tour at the Salt Lake Temple visitor center with a friend, and later decided to come to college in Utah. While she was attending the U of U, she became converted and baptized. 
Consecration is an application of celestial law here and now. True success comes from consecrating our lives and our time to God's purposes.
5 elements of a consecrated life:
1. Purity: our perfect example of purity is our Savior, he was sinless. Sinlessness leads to repentance. Replace stubbornness with submission, and replace rationalizations with yielding to the Spirit.
2.  A Consecrated Life is a Life of Labor: To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man is not a work that will end! We need to always labor to do this. All honest work is the work of God. Work enables us to survive the trials and tragedies of the human experience.  A sister in our Relief Society shared and experience she went through in her own life. She told us that her life was going really well, and she felt everything was going smoothly. She said a prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for blessing her so much, and asked for an experience to learn and get more light. She wanted to become more like Him, and knew that it is through our hard experiences we do so. Shortly thereafter, her little boy became very ill with what they thought might be Leukemia and also her father was dying. She learned a lot from that time and felt that the Lord did bless her with light. 
3. Respect for our physical bodies: Having a body is essential for eternal life. Some bodies will be malformed, some bodies will last for years, some only for minutes, but life will be long enough for each body to receive celestial exaltation.1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? know ye not that your abody is the btemple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not yourcown?
 For ye are abought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s." President Monson said that if we think of our bodies as a gift, we won't defile them. 
4. Service: John 13:14-15 "If I then, your Lord and aMaster, have bwashed your feet; ye also ought to cwash one another’s dfeet.
 For I have given you an aexample, that ye should do as I have done to you." Develop a listening ear so you can hear even the faintest whisperings of the Holy Ghost prompting you to serve someone in need.  
5. Integrity: It is not naivety, it is an accountability to God. Don't sell your integrity cheaply (ex: doing something you wouldn't do if others were around) "One who lives a consecrated life does not seek to take advantage of another, but will turn the other cheek and give the cloak also". Honor is the rich soil where the seed of integrity thrives. Future generations will take courage from our consecrated lives if we live them. "Arise therefore, and be doing. The Lord is with thee."

Think about: How can living a consecrated life impact your family? What is one thing you can change to  live a more consecrated life?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lesson Review

Chapter 26 “Sacrifice” taught by Esther Grover on Jan. 16th

Our willingness to sacrifice shows our devotion to God. When we give service expecting a certain response from others, we’ll probably be disappointed. Look to the Savior for recognition, acceptance, and the words “Well done”. What motivates us to sacrifice? Love.

Do we give the Lord our time, efforts, etc. first? or do we just give him our time if we have any left over after everything else?

D&C 64:33-34”Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.”

Think About: What are some sacrifices made by your ancestors, early church members, people in our ward, and people in the scriptures that have helped to build the Kingdom of God? How did their sacrifice bless your life? And, what are you willing to put on the Alter?

Next Month’s Lessons:

Lesson 27 “Work and Personal Responsibility”

Lesson 28 “Service”

Announcements from Sunday Jan. 16th

Happy Birthday this week!!
16th - Annie Bush
20th?- Kari Wardrop

Visiting Teaching Pie Day will be Sunday Jan. 30th at Kari Wardrop's home.  We'll have visiting teaching interviews and eat pie! Sign up on the list going around Relief Society.

Food For Thought will be February 8th. Time and location TBA.

Stake Women's Conference February 17th. Time and Location TBA

RS Class: Hair bow and card making on Thursday February 24th. Time and location TBA.

Lesson Review

Chapter 25 "Fasting" taught by Pam Slaughter on Jan. 9th

How do we fast properly? Have a purpose for your fast, begin with prayer, fast for 24 hours, give a generous fast offering, bear testimony (or write it down), serve others, and end with prayer.

Concentrate on Spiritual matters instead of just going without food. Pray when you fast, and fast with a purpose. Fasting invites enlightenment and companionship of the Holy Ghost, see Isaiah 58:8, 9, and 11.  Fasting helps subdue the natural man, and teaches discipline. Fasting intensifies prayer. Fasting prepares us to bear testimony. Isaiah 58:6 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

We are blessed when we fast. We are given spiritual power to resist temptation, receive revelation, do righteous acts, develop our faith, improves our lives and gives us added strength. Fasting helps us to live other principles of the gospel because it draws us nearer to the Lord. 

Think About: What blessings have you received from proper fasting?