Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lesson Review for May 1st

Cindy Rees gave a great lesson derived from Julie B. Beck's talk from Women's Conference 2010. Here are some of my notes and things I liked. She talked about being a "Lioness at the Gate" meaning that whatever good happens in the home, happens because the woman helped make it happen. One quote I liked went something like this, "Oh how we need each other, young need old and old need young." You have been placed in a ward family.

Cindy went to Women's Conference and realized that she already knew the things that people were teaching about. Every woman there had already heard those things before, but the reason for repeating the lessons was so that the women could learn and apply. Cindy talked about the "Essential, Necessary, and Nice to do" things in life. As women, and as the "Lioness at the Gate" we need to realize what things in our lives are essential, such as prayer, scripture study, taking the Sacrament, "basking in the Spirit", and doing other things that will help us have eternal life. We also need to prioritize time wisely and realize that we can't do all the shifts. Cindy told a story of a woman who realized the importance of the "afternoon shift" when people get home from school or work and they are hungry, tired, etc. This is a special time that people are also the most teachable, so maybe this is the "shift" that we could put the most effort into. She said "Don't expect to use your strength on all the other shifts"

"The only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday." The Lord knows you, he knows your responsibilities, and he knows how you can fulfill them. There are so many good tings we can do with our time, but we have to prioritize essential, necessary, and nice to do in order to truly be a "Lioness at the Gate".

Thanks for the wonderful lesson Cindy!