"Let There Be Light" given by Annie Bush
Annie gave this lesson based on a talk by Elder Cook from the October 2010 Conference. She talked about how over history we had the Dark Ages, then the Reformation and Renaissance, then the Restoration of the Gospel and now is the Last Days. She talked about how when she was a little girl they had "Black Out" every night in France so the bomber planes wouldn't be able to find their targets at night and it was such a dark time in the history of the world during the war.
There are so many things in the world that try to stifle the light of Christ. There are so many opposing forces to light and truth, so how do we make sure to fight against the dark and stand for the light?
- Pam Slaughter said we need to be proactive and stand for what we believe. She recommended writing to our politicians about issues that we want to stand up for.
- Karen Maughan said we need to Teach children how to recognize the light of Christ. We can ask them how they feel when they listen to different types of music, for example.
- Be Honest - people who are opposing our beliefs will take any chance they can get to jump on our imperfections, so these kinds of people watch carefully to make sure we are honest. If we are being honest, they will know that we represent Jesus Christ.
By sanctifying ourselves, our homes, our families, by basking in the light of Christ, we can accomplish much in maintaining light, hope, and morality. The reward will be peace in troubled times.
Annie closed with this quote by Elder Cook, "Free hearts will sing when the light comes on again."
Thanks Annie! I really enjoyed your lesson and appreciated your hard work and preparation!